Our goal is to get underneath the surface veneer of data, to uncover the real motivators that drive traveler choice and public image. We provide strategic guidance to help our destination partners evaluate their image, fine-tune their campaigns, demonstrate accountability to budget decision-makers & make the most of their tourism marketing dollars.
Imagine a state-funded program that creates and supports thousands of jobs and generates $2.86 in...
Data from research firm Longwoods InternationalLANSING, Mich. (WOOD) - The Pure Michigan campaign had its...
Pure Michigan's advertising campaign attracted more than 4 million out-of-state visitors in 2013, an increase...
Now that the acclaimed Pure Michigan marketing campaign has boosted the state's tourism profile nationally...
Pure Michigan is pure lucky. Pure Michigan money paid for regional winter advertising this month...
The launch of a $7.4 million winter campaign represents the first major initiative for Travel...