"Halo Effect" Research
Impact on Economic Development

Tourism Powers Economic Development

 Longwoods’ ground-breaking Halo Effect research measures, for the first time, the impact of both tourism marketing and visitation on a destination’s image for major economic development objectives. Our research shows that tourism advertising not only attracts visitors and their money, it also creates major positive lift on the destination’s image for economic development  -  as a place where people want to live, work, buy a second home, retire, start a business, start a career, or go to college. Visiting a destination creates a similar lift on these attributes.

This information allows destination marketing organizations to quantify the total impact of their marketing efforts and establishes DMOs as the brand leader for their city, region, or state.

Download the "A Perfect Combination" Case Study below. 

Our Services

Understand your visitors with detailed profiles including volume and spending.

Find out if your advertising is working in terms of incremental visitation, spending, and messaging. 

What does the traveling public think about your destination? Leverage your knowledge to build more powerful messages.

How does travel marketing contribute to broader economic development goals?

Longwoods' tourism experts can guide your organization through questions and challenges. 

Understand how locals perceive tourism and its impacts.

Use our market research expertise to position your destination for success.