Advertising Effectiveness & ROI Research
Credibility is Key
Longwoods has developed a science-based, peer-reviewed methodology for measuring the return on investment of advertising. The key is our proprietary control procedures that isolate advertising effects from other factors affecting travel decisions, such as the economy, weather, price, etc.
This allows us to conservatively estimate incremental trips taken that would not have occurred in the absence of a destination’s promotional efforts. The goal of this research is to evaluate the success of the destination’s marketing promotion, including broadcast, print, outdoor, digital, and social media.
We have applied our ROI methodology study since 1990 to hundreds of campaigns, not only in tourism, but for major private sector clients in banking, automotive, packaged goods, etc. Not surprisingly, in most cases advertising does generate sales and a positive return. We have also seen cases of ZERO ROI, where messaging or choice of target markets was shown by the research to be the problem. This clearly demonstrates the power of our control procedures and the conservative nature of our ROI estimates.
Longwoods’ ROI methodology has won awards for best practices from the Travel & Tourism Research Association, Georgia Tech, the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association, and the Advertising Research Foundation. It has successfully withstood intense scrutiny from legislators and the media, helping our clients defend their tourism budgets and gain increased funding for tourism promotion.
CONTACT US to request a sample Advertising Effectiveness / ROI Report.