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Brand Health & Image Assessment (Image Research)

Longwoods image research takes a different approach: one that recognizes emotional engagement as one of the critical drivers of consumer choice. With an award-winning methodology rooted in the science of experimental psychology, Longwoods’ image research uncovers the hot buttons  –  often sub-conscious and usually emotional  –  that are the true drivers of consumer preferences and purchase behavior.

  • Discover the hot buttons, both rational and emotional, that motivate consumers in your key markets.
  • Determine your destination’s strengths and weaknesses compared to your competition. 
  • Leverage these insights to create powerful brand messages that are in line with the priorities of your customers.

Our research has demonstrated that creative which pushes the right emotional hot buttons can be over 100 times more effective in terms of ROI than messaging that misses the emotional mark.

CONTACT US to request a sample Brand Health and Image Assessment Report.

“Research from Longwoods International’s brand health assessment has allowed Visit Savannah to get a better understanding of our image among our target audiences. The results of this research allowed us to better understand key metrics like advertising awareness, strengths and weaknesses versus our competition, and guidance on what to focus on or refine in our advertising. The brand health assessment has provided us with a foundational competitive advantage.” – Joe Marinelli, President & CEO of Visit Savannah