Visitor & Travel Research
Here is how big an economic impact Phoenix’s 18.2M visitors had in 2016
Phoenix’s visitors had a $6 billion economic impact on the city in 2016, according to the latest data from Visit Phoenix.
The city’s agency that promotes tourism released their 2016 data, which was compiled by Longwoods International and Tourism Economics.
As the city is growing both in population and economically, it’s tourism is growing as well. Last year’s 16.7 million domestic visitors represented a 2.3 percent increase from 2015’s 16.3 million visitors, while the U.S. travel market only saw a 1.1 percent increase in visitors year-over-year. An additional 1.4 million international visitors came to the city in 2016, bringing total visitation to more than 18.2 million.
“It’s like importing the total population of Chicago and Dallas,” said Eric Kerr, director of research and business analysis for Visit Phoenix.
While Texas and Illinois made up 9 percent of Phoenix’s overnight visitors last year, it was Californians and Arizonans who took up the bulk, at 24 percent and 16 percent, respectively.
[Full article here.]