American Travel Sentiment, Case Studies
American Travel Sentiment Study – Wave 78
Holiday Travel Outlook Is Positive

According to the latest Longwoods International tracking study of American travelers, 92% of them have travel plans in the next six months, and 33% of them plan to spend more on holiday travel this year compared to a year ago. Only 16% of travelers plan to spend less on holiday travel this year, while 52% expect their holiday travel spending to be comparable to last year.
“The strong demand for travel continues as we look forward to the holiday travel season,” said Amir Eylon, President and CEO of Longwoods International. “Fears of recession, inflation, rising gas prices and a new COVID-19 spike have not slowed consumer desire to travel.”
Twenty percent of travelers say spending time with their immediate family and children is the primary motivation for their leisure trips. Other leisure travel motivators include 19% of travelers wanting new experiences, 18% looking for fun, 17% seek rest and relaxation, and 16% travel to spend time with friends and relatives.
The survey, supported by Miles Partnership, was fielded September 13, 2023 using a national sample randomly drawn from a consumer panel of 1,000 adults, ages 18 and over. Quotas were used to match Census targets for age, gender, and region to make the survey representative of the U. S. population.