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American Travel Sentiment

COVID-19 Travel Sentiment Study-Wave 25


According to the most recent Longwoods International tracking study of American travelers, 77% of them are changing their travel plans because of the pandemic, the highest percentage since mid-July.   Concern about catching or spreading coronavirus during a trip has jumped to 60% of travelers, up from 53% a month ago.

“The dramatic surge in coronavirus cases, hospitalizations and deaths across the country is convincing more and more travelers now is the time to shelter at home,” said Amir Eylon, President and CEO of Longwoods International.  “We don’t expect this trend to significantly reverse itself until vaccine/treatment distribution begins.”

According to the most recent survey, 39% of travelers feels safe venturing outside their local communities, the lowest level since mid-August.  The percentage of travelers who support opening their local communities to visitors dropped from 39% to 32% in the past two weeks, the lowest level in months.  

The survey, supported by Miles Partnership, was fielded November 18, 2020 using a national sample randomly drawn from a consumer panel of 1,000 adults, ages 18 and over.  Quotas were used to match Census targets for age, gender, and region to make the survey representative of the U. S. population.