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Brand Health Assessment, Case Studies, Research & Insights

Visit Savannah: Elevating Brand Awareness through Longwoods International’s Brand Health Assessment

Savannah, Georgia, USA at Forsyth Park Fountain.


In March 2023, Visit Savannah partnered with Longwoods International to conduct a comprehensive Brand Health Assessment, aiming to better understand the city’s image among its target audiences. Savannah has long been recognized for its unique blend of well-preserved architecture, Southern hospitality, and cultural charm, which draws visitors from all over the world. However, as competition among destinations intensified, Visit Savannah sought insights to ensure their marketing efforts remained sharp, relevant, and reflective of the city’s identity.


Visit Savannah wanted to ensure their campaign messaging aligned with the perceptions of potential visitors, particularly focusing on how those who had never visited still held a positive view of the city. The organization was keen to understand whether their digital, video, and print campaigns were resonating with their target audiences in terms of product and image. Additionally, they needed to examine key metrics such as advertising awareness, strengths, and weaknesses versus their competition, and determine areas for refinement in future advertising efforts.


Using Longwoods International’s Brand Health Assessment, Visit Savannah was able to dive deep into these metrics and more. This study incorporated insights into whether the ads being served matched the expectations of their desired audience. One particularly compelling finding was that even individuals who had never visited Savannah had developed a favorable perception of the destination simply through exposure to the campaign. This highlighted the strength of the brand’s image and validated their messaging.

The assessment also provided Visit Savannah with clear guidance on how to enhance their advertising efforts. By measuring the effectiveness of their campaigns across various media channels, the DMO could refine their messaging and focus on what resonated most with their target audience.


The research underscored that Savannah’s charm, renowned Southern hospitality, and cultural richness were effectively highlighted through Visit Savannah’s marketing initiatives, resonating even with individuals who had not yet visited. 

By leveraging the Brand Health Assessment from Longwoods International, Visit Savannah gained a deeper understanding of the key elements shaping their brand image, allowing them to refine their messaging and creative direction. These insights empowered the organization to communicate Savannah’s unique appeal effectively, ensuring that the destination remains compelling to future visitors. This approach not only sustains Savannah’s competitive positioning but also aligns with their commitment to promoting sustainable tourism growth, fostering long-term success for the city and its local businesses.

“Longwoods International’s brand health assessment has allowed Visit Savannah to get a better understanding of our image among our target audiences. The results of this research delve in to key metrics like advertising awareness and provides guidance on what to focus on or refine in our creative.”

Joseph Marinelli photo

Joe Marinelli

President & CEO of Visit Savannah