
Our goal is to get underneath the surface veneer of data, to uncover the real motivators that drive traveler choice and public image. We provide strategic guidance to help our destination partners evaluate their image, fine-tune their campaigns, demonstrate accountability to budget decision-makers & make the most of their tourism marketing dollars.

Featured Research
American Travel Sentiment Research
The latest research and insights from our ongoing American Travel Sentiment survey during the pandemic crisis
The Rise and Fall of Colorado Tourism
What happens when you take a successful advertising campaign and cut the budget to zero?
Richmond Region Tourism: A Custom Image Perception Study
American Resident Sentiment Towards Tourism
New research reveals how Americans feel about the tourism industry’s growth—both its benefits to their lives as well as the potential pitfalls.
Longwoods Travel USA: U.S. Travel Market & Trends
Highlights and insights from the largest and longest-running study of U.S. travelers
Great American Road Trip Report
Longwoods International & Miles Partnership join together to investigate the Great American Road Trip
Study offers new insights and analysis into road trips by American travelers using over 20 years of Longwoods’ Travel USA ® data.
Maximizing Marketing ROI in Tough Times
The Pure Michigan Case
Canada, the World Next Door
Canada Case Study
Changing the Image of Canada in the Minds of US Travelers
Philadelphia: With Love
The Power of Destination Marketing Case Study
Hawaii, the Islands of Aloha
Using the indirect approach to uncover hidden motivators
A Perfect Combination
Destination Marketing and Economic Development: Creating a Singular Place Brand